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40 Very Easy Things That You Can Stop Doing Today :)

#1. Spending too little time with the right people.

Sooner or later, you just want to be around the people who make you smile. So today, spend time with those who help you love yourself more. And remember, the people you take for granted today may be the only ones you need tomorrow. Never be too busy to make time for those who matter most.

#2. Not making your loved ones smile more often.

The most beautiful thing is to see a person you love smile, and even more beautiful is knowing that you are the reason behind it.

#3. Not saying what you need to say.

Speak up. Don’t hide your thoughts and feelings, especially when you can make a difference. Be brave. Say what needs to be said. If you care about someone, tell them. Hearts are sometimes broken by the words we leave unspoken.

#4. Constantly comparing yourself to everyone else.

Don’t compare your progress in life with that of others. We all need our own time to travel our own distance. It’s perfectly OK to be different. Today, the only person you should try to be better than, is the person you were yesterday. Prove yourself to yourself, not others.
Sometimes your mind needs more time to accept what your heart already knows. Breathe. Be a witness, not a judge. Listen to your intuition.

#6. Not taking action on meaningful goals.

Instead of complaining about your circumstances, get busy creating new ones. You either suffer the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. Most of the time, the only difference between who you are and who you want to be, is what you do. (Read Getting Things Done.)

#7. Letting others talk you out of your dreams.

Can you remember who you were before the world told you who you should be? Stop living for other people and their opinions. Be true to YOU.

#8. Vivid memories of wasted time.

There is good reason why you should wake each morning and mindfully consider what and who you will give your day to. Because unlike other things in life – love, money, respect, good health, hope, opportunities, and many more – time is the one thing you can never get back once it’s gone.

#9. Collecting more excuses than you can count.

If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.

#10. Waiting, and waiting, and waiting until you’re ready.

Sometimes life seems hard, but we often make it harder than it is. All you ever have to decide is what to do next. It really is this simple. You don’t have to have it all figured out to move forward. Just do the best you can until you know better. Once you know better, do better.

#11. Not putting in enough effort.

In life you are either a passenger or a pilot, it’s your choice. If you want something, work for it. Do what it takes, not what is easy. It will hurt. It will take time. It will require dedication. It will require willpower. You will need to make healthy decisions. It requires sacrifice. You will need to push your body to its max. There will be temptation. But, I promise you, when you reach your goal, it will be worth it.

#12. Letting solvable problems stop you.

Not everything that’s faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it’s faced. Problems are not stop signs, they’re guidelines. If you want it, work for it. It’s that simple. Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you couldn’t.

#13. Not taking on enough risk.

Wouldn’t you rather have a life of “OH WELLs” than a life of “WHAT IFs”? Do what you can while you can. Don’t be afraid to move out of your comfort zone. Some of my best life experiences and opportunities came to me only after I dared to lose.

#14. Settling for less than you are capable of.

Remember, growth and change may be painful sometimes, but nothing in life is as painful as staying stuck where you don’t belong.

#15. Putting your own needs and happiness on the back burner.

All jokes aside, your life only comes around once. This is IT. So do what makes you happy and be with whoever makes you laugh, often.

#16. Letting impatience govern your decisions and actions.

Patience is not about waiting; it’s the ability to keep a good attitude while working hard for what you believe in.

#17. Giving up too soon.

Forget how many times you’ve broken down. It’s about how you stand up and move on. You may have to go through the worst, to get to the best. Good things take time. Stay patient and stay positive. Everything is going to come together; maybe not immediately, but eventually.

#18. Letting someone walk all over you, ad infinitum.

Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option. And walk away from anyone who continually robs you of peace and joy. Life is too short to waste your time with people who abuse and bully you.

#19. Not helping others when you were able.

If you have a lot, give your wealth. If you have a little, give your heart. Just give what you can. No one has ever become poor by giving.

#20. Ignoring your roots and those who have supported you.

Never forget where you’ve been. Never lose sight of where you’re going. And never take for granted the people who travel the journey with you.

#21. Not appreciating what you have when you have it.

We often forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but of deeply appreciating what we do have. No, you won’t always get exactly what you want. But remember this: There are lots of people who will never have what you have right now. (Read The Happiness Project.)

#22. Letting your health go.

Your body is the only place you will truly ever live. If you’re lucky enough to have a body that’s in good health, be wise enough to keep it that way.

#23. Years of struggling to find happiness outside yourself.

Happiness is not determined by what’s happening around you, but rather what’s happening inside you. Too many people depend on others, or outside sources, to gain happiness, but the truth is it always comes from within.

#24. Letting too many plans blind you from the beauty of now.

When life is good, enjoy it. Don’t go looking for something better. Happiness never comes to those who don’t appreciate what they have. You must be willing to loosen your grip on the life you have planned so you can enjoy the life that is waiting for you now.

#25. Being too narrow-minded to see the opportunities given to you.

Sometimes life doesn’t give you what you WANT because you NEED something else. And what you need often comes when you’re not looking for it.

#26. The limitations you put on yourself.

It’s often our own thinking that hurts us. There’s no reason to imprison yourself. Don’t think outside the box. Think like there is no box.

#27. Letting negativity get the best of you.

Remember, true strength is when you have so much to cry and complain about, but you prefer to smile and appreciate your life instead.

#28. Never admitting and growing beyond your mistakes.

You can learn great things from your mistakes when you aren’t busy denying them.

#29. Not accepting responsibility for life changes you need to make.

If you’ve been asking the same questions for a long time, yet are still stuck, it’s probably not that you haven’t been given the answers, but that you don’t like the answers you were given. Remember, it takes a great deal of courage to admit that something needs to change, and a lot more courage still, to accept the responsibility for making the change happen.

#30. Seeking too much validation from others.

You are GOOD enough, SMART enough, FINE enough, and STRONG enough. You don’t need other people to validate you; you’re already valuable. You are YOU and that’s the beginning and the end – no apologies, no regrets.

#31. Impressing the wrong people.

Not everyone will appreciate what you do for them. You have to figure out who’s worth your attention and who’s just taking advantage of you. Spend more time with those who make you smile and less time with those who you constantly feel pressured to impress.

#32. Time spent on drama and needless arguments.

Life is too short to argue and fight. Count your blessings, value the people who matter and move on from the drama with your head held high.

#33. Letting a grudge hurt your happiness.

Let it go. Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. Holding one is like letting unwanted company live rent free in your head.

#34. Endlessly worrying about things.

Move on. Stop letting it bother you. If a problem can be solved, there’s nothing to worry about. If it can’t be solved, worrying is useless.

#35. Forcing what’s not meant to be.

Never force anything. Do your best, then let it be. If it’s meant to be, it will be. Don’t hold yourself down with things you can’t control. Sometimes you have to stop worrying, wondering, and doubting. Have faith that things will work out, maybe not how you planned, but just how it’s meant to be.

#36. Getting stuck in the trap of consumerism.

Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t need, to impress folks they don’t even know. Don’t be one of them. (Read The Total Money Makeover.)

#37. Never traveling when you had the chance.

Once a year, go somewhere you’ve never been before.

#38. Not choosing to laugh at life more often.

Life is way better when you’re laughing. Being positive in a negative situation is not naive, it’s a sign of leadership and strength.

#39. Resisting change instead of rolling with it.

You’re not the same person you were a year ago, a month ago, or a week ago. You’re always growing. Experiences don’t stop. That’s life.

#40. Talking the talk, but never walking the walk.

When it’s all said and done, be sure you haven’t said more than you’ve done. In the end, actions always speak louder than words. So work hard in silence, and let your success be your noise.

16 Natural Ways To Get Rid of a Headache Fast

There are many different things that can cause headaches: Abrupt changes in your diet or an everyday schedule like getting too much or too little sleep, stress, long working hours, skipping a meal, or from using the computer for a long time without taking breaks. Headache can cause unbearable pain along with nausea, and at times vomiting. Many people don’t realize that the most common cause of a headache is dehydration. There are many over the counter medicines available in the market to get rid of headache, but all of them have potential side effects, disrupt gut bacteria and can cause other health problems. Instead of relying on quick fixes through drugs, try some of these natural remedies which are proven effective for even some of the worst headaches including tension, cluster and migraines.

1. Water

Headaches aren’t unhealthy by themselves, headaches are a sign that tell us that something is wrong, however our body does not always give straight and clear signals that tell us how to behave. When our body is dehydrating, we don’t always feel thirsty, and most often headaches is your body telling you to hydrate. Most adults require anywhere between two to five litres a day depending on their height and weight and depending on the type of lifestyle they have.
If the reason behind the headache is dehydration, then you can easily get relief from the pain by drinking large amount of water. Water is very effective home remedy for headaches. Simply drink a glass of clean, filtered water at the first sign of headache and continue taking small sips throughout the day. Once your body gets hydrated the pain will automatically start to ease. When suffering from a headache, it is advisable to stay away from any kind of drinks that can dehydrate your body, especially caffeinated.

2. Massage Scalp, Neck and Ear Lobes

Doing some light massage can distract you from the pain, as well as improving circulation and relieving tension. For a basic massage, gently press your fingers over your temples, and move them in slow circles. Or, try these more advanced techniques:
  • Do a scalp massage. Hop in the shower and treat yourself to a long scalp massage as you shampoo your hair. Or, for a drier version, pour a little bit of coconut or argan oil on your fingers and rub into your scalp.
  • Find two tennis or racquet balls and put them in a sock. Lie on a flat surface and place the two balls just below the base of your skull, on the occipital bone, and relax. You may feel sinus pressure or minimal discomfort at first but it will go away. This is especially helpful for sinus headaches.
  • Have someone else massage your neck and back if possible. The simple touch of someone else who cares about you can relieve a lot of tension instantly. Have them focus on the occipital region as well.
  • Gently massaging the bridge of your nose can help relieve sinus and migraine headaches.
  • Massage the soft part of your hand in between your index finger and thumb. Nerves in that spot allow your blood vessels in your forehead to constrict.
  • Firmly massage the acupressure point on each hand where the thumb and index finger bones meet (second metacarpal bone). It’s best if somebody does this for you, so both hands can be massaged simultaneously, but if that’s not possible, massage one hand for five minutes, then massage the other hand.

3. Ice Pack

Using an ice pack to apply cold compress over the forehead can give quick relief from headaches. To apply cold compress you can also apply a cold cloth on your head and temples for ten minutes and again repeat the process after some time until you get some relief. A bag of frozen vegetables can also serve as an icepack. When cold compresses are placed over the forehead, it numbs the pain and helps the blood vessels to shrink and improves the blood circulation, thus giving relief from the pain. This particular remedy works when the headache is due to stress or sinus.

4. Practice Relaxation Techniques.

People around the world use a variety of tricks to distract themselves from pain. If you’re in the midst of a headache, don’t worry about learning something new — stick to whatever is closest to your comfort zone. (You can always read up on different meditation techniques later, when you feel better.) Some popular options include:
  • Meditation.
  • Prayer.
  • Deep breathing.
  • Visualization.
  • Listening to binaural beats
  • Try to just calm down. If you can fall asleep, that might help.

5. Hot Water

Applying heat on the back of your neck with the help of a hot water bag can give you relief from headache caused due to stress. When heat is applied it relaxes the tense muscles thus giving relief from the throbbing pain. Along with a hot water bag, you can also take a hot shower. Another option is fill a tub with bearable hot water and then put your hands in it for ten to fifteen minutes. When you do this, blood circulation improves and thus giving your relief from the headache. For those suffering from chronic headache, must keep their legs dipped in a bucket filled with hot water for ten minutes before going to bed.

6. Lemon

Lemon is very effective and powerful ingredient to treat headache pain. When you drink warm water mixed with some lemon juice, it reduces the intensity of a headache. This particular home remedy is beneficial when headache is caused due to gas in the stomach. Another option is apply lemon crust paste on the forehead to get immediate relief from the pain. At the same time you may also drink a steaming cup of lemon tea three to four times a day when suffering from headache.

7. Feverfew

Can be taken in capsule or tablet form, as a tea, or even eaten in a sandwich (it tastes bitter). There is mixed evidence to support the effectiveness of feverfew but it has been relied upon for centuries, so it might be worth trying. There are no serious side effects, although you might experience a sore tongue, mouth ulcers, or nausea, digestive problems and bloating. Coming off long-term use of feverfew can disrupt sleep and actually cause headaches.

8. Betel Leaves

Betel leaves are known for their analgesic as well as cooling properties which can hugely help to get rid of a headache effectively within a few minutes. For this remedy, you need to take two to three fresh betel leaves and with the help of a grinder make a fine paste out of it. Now apply this paste on the forehead and both sides of the head for half an hour. Soon you will get relief from the intense pain. At the same time you can also chew one or two betel leaves to treat headache.

9. Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy preparations vary considerably but some of the more commonly used essential oils for headache treatment include lavender, sweet marjoram, and chamomile. Use for neck massaging, in a bath, or to inhale. Mix five drops rosemary oil, five drops nutmeg oil, five drops lavender oil in a carrier oil. Massage on the neck and upper back area.

10. Ginger

Ginger has got anti-inflammatory properties that can help in easing headache pain. At the same gingerhelps in relaxing the blood vessels in the head and reduces swelling in the brain and activates natural opiates in the brain which helps in lessening the pain associated with tension headache. When having a headache, you must drink ginger tea three to four times a day to reduce inflammation in the body. However, it is important to take ginger tea at the very beginning of a headache. This will help the ginger to act quickly and lessen the headache.

11. Apple

When you wake up in the morning with a headache, you must eat a piece of apple by applying some salt to it and then drink some warm. Soon you will be able to get rid of persisting headache. Along with apple, you can also use apple cider vinegar to treat headache. Fill a large bowl with steaming hot water and add three to four tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into it. Now place a towel over your head and take the steam for ten to fifteen minutes. Another option is to add some apple cider vinegar to a glass full of water and drink it two to three times a day to alleviate headache.

12. Almonds

Almonds contain pain-relieving chemicals that may reduce your headache symptoms in as little as 10-15 minutes. A handful of almonds is always a handy natural substitute for any over the counter quickie.

13. Cayenne pepper

Another endorphin stimulant, cayenne will help to alleviate your headache. Both consumption and topical applications are know to cure some of the worst headaches. Sweet Relief Cream is one type of topical application that works very well, especially when combined with DMSO.

14. Peppermint

Peppermint has got calming and soothing properties that can help in the treatment of headaches. You can make herbal tea by adding one teaspoon of dried peppermint herb in a cup of hot boiling water. Cover and allow it to steep for ten minutes, then strain it and add some honey to sweeten it before sipping it slowly. You can also use peppermint oil to gently massage the temples, jaws and the back of your neck. This will give you instant relief from the pain. In addition, inhaling the soothing aroma of peppermint steam can ease the symptoms associated with headache such as vomiting.

15. Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil has got pain relieving as well anti-inflammatory properties. To quickly get rid of headache you must use eucalyptus oil to massage the forehead and temples for fifteen to twenty minutes. The oil will provide a soothing effect thus giving relief from the pain. At the same time it will also help in relaxing the tense muscles around head. Along with eucalyptus oil you can also coconut oil or almond oil to massage the forehead in order to get rid of your